News and press releases
News and press releases from the OSCE's global activities.
OSCE Programme Office in Nur-Sultan supports training webinar on prosecution for money laundering and best practices in forensic investigation
Publishing date: 7 September 2020
Content type: News
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Astana
What we do: Economic activities, Policing
An OSCE-supported half-day training webinar on prosecution for money laundering and best practices in forensic investigation concluded on 7 September 2020 in Nur-Sultan...
OSCE supports online discussion on access to information in Kazakhstan
Publishing date: 3 September 2020
Content type: News
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Astana
What we do: Media freedom and development
Some 35 participants from government bodies, academia, civil society and media-related NGOs participated in an online discussion on access to information in Kazakhstan. The OSCE Programme Office in Nur-Sultan and the NGO Legal Media Centre jointly organized the event, held on 2 September.
OSCE co-organizes online training seminar on cybercrime in Kazakhstan
Publishing date: 28 August 2020
A three-day training seminar on countering cybercrime concluded on 28 August 2020 in Nur-Sultan. The event was organized by the OSCE Programme Office in Nur-Sultan in co-operation with the Strategic Police Matters Unit and the support from the Action against Terrorism Unit of the OSCE Transnational Threats Department and the Law Enforcement Academy under the Prosecutor General’s office/Hub to Counter Global Threats...
OSCE supports training webinar on the role of financial intelligence units in investigating suspicious transactions
Publishing date: 27 August 2020
An OSCE-supported half-day training webinar on the role of the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) in investigating suspicious transactions concluded in Nur-Sultan on 27 August 2020.
Electoral participation of persons with disabilities in Kazakhstan focus of OSCE-supported online seminar
Publishing date: 25 August 2020
Content type: News
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Astana
What we do: Human rights, Elections
An OSCE-supported six-day online training seminar on electoral rights of persons with disabilities started on 24 August 2020. The event aims to help participants build their capacity to draw up an individual plan on running for elected office.
OSCE Programme Office in Nur-Sultan organizes online seminar on protection of private life and personal data
Publishing date: 21 August 2020
An OSCE-supported online seminar on protecting the private life and personal data was organized by the OSCE Programme Office in Nur-Sultan on 20 August 2020 in Nur-Sultan...
OSCE supports online training seminar on filling out and using Pollutant Release Transfer Register in Kazakhstan
Publishing date: 19 August 2020
Content type: News
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Astana
What we do: Environmental activities