OSCE co-organizes online training seminar on cybercrime in Kazakhstan
A three-day training seminar on countering cybercrime concluded on 28 August 2020 in Nur-Sultan. The event was organized by the OSCE Programme Office in Nur-Sultan in co-operation with the Strategic Police Matters Unit and the support from the Action against Terrorism Unit of the OSCE Transnational Threats Department and the Law Enforcement Academy under the Prosecutor General’s office/Hub to Counter Global Threats.
Over 50 law enforcement officials from across Kazakhstan focused on current problems with cyber criminality in Kazakhstan. They discussed the challenges faced by law enforcement in investigating and prosecuting crimes, facilitated by the use of information and communication technologies. The seminar was conducted by international experts from Belarus and Estonia, as well as representatives of the OSCE Transnational Threats Department along with national experts. They familiarized participants with best international practices and case studies in investigation of cybercrimes and the use of digital forensics techniques to obtain relevant evidence, and the importance of upholding human rights during cybercrime related investigations.
“Criminals use information and communication technologies at an increased rate. However, the detection rate of these crimes and the corresponding court cases are relatively low. In efforts to address this gap, a Center for Countering Cybercrimes was established within the Law Enforcement Academy. The Centre serves as a platform to exchange experiences and provide learning opportunities between law enforcement officers and private sector representatives. This seminar is one such example,” said Magomed Akayev, Director of the Institute of the Law Enforcement Academy affiliated with the Office of the Prosecutor General of Kazakhstan.
Alexander Malyshau, Technical Focal Point for Cybercrime Issues in the OSCE Secretariat’s Transnational Threats Department said: “Despite the current limitations on travel and in-person meetings, a series of online training seminars organized by the OSCE is a timely initiative. The seminars will allow to identify the exact challenges and optimize its resources for delivering more targeted training and assistance to law enforcement agencies of Kazakhstan after the health crisis is over.”
This training event is part of the Programme Office’s multiyear efforts to build the capacity of the competent law enforcement officers on countering cybercrimes in Kazakhstan.