Bibliothèque de documents
Permanent Council Decision No. 482 (fr)
Publishing date: 27 juin 2002
Content type: Décision / Déclaration
Where we are: Permanent Council, OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Extension of the mandate of the OSCE Mission to Tajikistan
Journal of the 349th Plenary Meeting of the Forum for Security Co-operation (fr)
Publishing date: 13 février 2002
Content type: Document de conférence / de réunion
Where we are: Forum for Security Co-operation
Ce que nous faisons Maîtrise des armements, Reform and co-operation in the security sector
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Agenda of the meeting. Annex- Statement by the Delegation of Belarus.
Keynote speech by Marc Perrin de Brichambaut to the 2004 Annual Security Review Conference
Publishing date: 18 juin 2004
Collections: 2004 Annual Security Review Conference
Content type: Document de conférence / de réunion
Where we are: OSCE Chairmanship, OSCE Secretariat
Ce que nous faisons Maîtrise des armements, Combating trafficking in human beings, Gestion des frontières, Conflict prevention and resolution, Countering terrorism, Policing, Reform and co-operation in the security sector
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Session 4: Ministère français de l'Éducation nationale et de la Recherche (fr)
Publishing date: 17 juin 2004
Content type: Document de conférence / de réunion
Where we are: OSCE Chairmanship
Ce que nous faisons Human rights
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
OSCE Conference on the relationship between racist, xenophobic and anti-Semitic propaganda on the Internet and hate crime, Paris 16- 17 June 2004
Closing Session: Intervention de M. Francois Fillon, Minister of Education, France
Publishing date: 17 juin 2004
Content type: Document de conférence / de réunion
Where we are: OSCE Chairmanship
Ce que nous faisons Human rights
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
OSCE Conference on the relationship between racist, xenophobic and anti-Semitic propaganda on the Internet and hate crime, Paris 16- 17 June 2004
Opening Session: Resolution on the fight against racism, anti-semitism and xenophobia by Michel Voisin, Delegation of France (fr)
Publishing date: 16 juin 2004
Content type: Document de conférence / de réunion
Where we are: OSCE Chairmanship
Ce que nous faisons Human rights
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
OSCE Conference on the relationship between racist, xenophobic and anti-Semitic propaganda on the Internet and hate crime, Paris 16- 17 June 2004
Session "Télévision par satellite et antisémitisme": comment combattre la dissémination en Europe de programmes racistes et antisémites à travers la télévision par satellite, contribution par France
Publishing date: 16 juin 2004
Content type: Document de conférence / de réunion
Where we are: OSCE Chairmanship
Ce que nous faisons Human rights
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
OSCE Meeting on the relationship between racist, xenophobic and anti-Semitic propaganda on the Internet and hate crimes, Paris, 16-17 June 2004
La lutte contre le racisme et la xenophobie sur l'Internet: l'action du Conseil de l'Europe; Guy De Vel, Directeur Général des affaires juridiques du Conseil de l'Europe (fr)
Publishing date: 16 juin 2004
Content type: Document de conférence / de réunion
Where we are: OSCE Chairmanship
Ce que nous faisons Human rights
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
OSCE Meeting on the Relationship between Racist, Xenophobic and Anti Semitic Propaganda on the Internet and Hate Crimes, Paris, 16-17 June 2004
Permanent Council Decision No. 481 (fr)
Publishing date: 20 juin 2002
Content type: Décision / Déclaration
Where we are: Permanent Council
Ce que nous faisons Human rights
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Reallocation of resources for the supplementary budget of the ODIHR 2002 election observation missions and technical assistance project. Annex- Supplementary Budget Proposal.
Journal of the 436th Plenary Meeting of the Permanent Council (fr)
Publishing date: 18 février 2003
Content type: Document de conférence / de réunion
Where we are: Permanent Council
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe