Bibliothèque de documents
Permanent Council Decision No. 486 (fr)
Publishing date: 28 juin 2002
Content type: Décision / Déclaration
Where we are: Permanent Council
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Improving the budgetary management of the Organization. Interpretative statements: Attachment 1- Belarus, Attachment 2- Russian Federation, Attachment 3- Switzerland.
Permanent Council Decision No. 484 (fr)
Publishing date: 28 juin 2002
Content type: Décision / Déclaration
Where we are: Permanent Council
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Extension of the mandate of the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine
Intervention by the Delegation of France, Ambassador Yves Doutriaux
Publishing date: 23 juin 2004
Collections: 2004 Annual Security Review Conference
Content type: Document de conférence / de réunion
Where we are: OSCE Chairmanship, OSCE Secretariat
Ce que nous faisons Conflict prevention and resolution, Countering terrorism, Reform and co-operation in the security sector
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Journal of the 437th Plenary Meeting of the Permanent Council (fr)
Publishing date: 27 février 2003
Content type: Document de conférence / de réunion
Where we are: Permanent Council
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Journal of the 438th Special Plenary Meeting of the Permanent Council (fr)
Publishing date: 27 février 2003
Content type: Document de conférence / de réunion
Where we are: Permanent Council
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Permanent Council Decision No. 483 (fr)
Publishing date: 27 juin 2002
Content type: Décision / Déclaration
Where we are: Permanent Council, OSCE Mission to Moldova
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Extension of the mandate of the OSCE Mission to Moldova
Permanent Council Decision No. 482 (fr)
Publishing date: 27 juin 2002
Content type: Décision / Déclaration
Where we are: Permanent Council, OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Extension of the mandate of the OSCE Mission to Tajikistan
Statement by the Delegation of France, session 3
Publishing date: 13 septembre 2004
Content type: Déclaration / discours
Where we are: OSCE Chairmanship
Ce que nous faisons National minority issues
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Statement at the OSCE Conference on Tolerance and the Fight against Racism, Xenophobia and Discrimination, Brussels, 13 and 14 September 2004
Statement by the Delegation of Canada, session 2 (fr)
Publishing date: 13 septembre 2004
Content type: Déclaration / discours
Where we are: OSCE Chairmanship
Ce que nous faisons National minority issues
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Statement at the OSCE Conference on Tolerance and the Fight against Racism, Xenophobia and Discrimination, Brussels, 13 and 14 September 2004
Statement by the Delegation of France (fr)
Publishing date: 13 septembre 2004
Content type: Déclaration / discours
Where we are: OSCE Chairmanship
Ce que nous faisons National minority issues
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe