OSCE supports dialogue on transparency and accountability in Armenia
YEREVAN, 18 July 2014 – In an effort to support Armenia in meeting its commitments within the Open Governance Partnership (OGP) Initiative, the OSCE Office in Yerevan hosted a round table discussion today in Yerevan.
Organized in conjunction with the Government and the Freedom of Information Centre of Armenia (FOICA) NGO, the meeting provided a forum for dialogue between government representatives and civil society organizations on Armenia’s draft National Action Plan as part of the Open Governance Partnership Initiative for 2014-2016.
As mandated by the OGP, collaboration between the Government and civil society is an essential component to realizing Armenia’s commitments to promote transparency, increase public involvement in decision-making processes, fight corruption and utilize new technologies to strengthen governance. Today’s discussions allowed stakeholders to make recommendations pertaining to the draft Action Plan and served as a platform for public involvement in this Government-led effort.
"By rethinking the framework of actions that contribute to transparency and accountability, I think Armenia took an important step forward today,” said Oliver McCoy, the OSCE Office in Yerevan’s Democratization Officer. “This broad effort underpins the government's commitment to maintain an open dialogue with civil society that if successful, will ultimately help bolster confidence in the country's democratic institutions."
The First Deputy Minister-Chief of Government Staff, OGP Co-ordinator for Armenia, Gourgen Dumanyan said: “The Government of Armenia adheres to OGP values and, in close co-operation with civil society, will continue consistent efforts towards increasing the level of transparency and accountability of the state governance system. The Government attaches high importance to working discussions like this, which ensure effective collaboration and constructive dialogue between the government and civil society.”
President of the FOICA NGO, Shushan Doydoyan noted: “Civil society-Government dialogue is a core principle for ensuring OGP values. It is very important that the Government of Armenia takes into account civil society’s suggestions and positions on the country Action Plan for 2014-2016. FOICA consolidates civil society’s efforts to push the Government to adopt ambitious and important commitments towards more transparency and openness.”
The OGP Initiative is a voluntary, multi-stakeholder international platform which was launched in 2011 with the support of eight countries (Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico, Norway, Philippines, South Africa, United Kingdom, and the United States). Armenia joined the OGP Initiative in 2011.