Dniester Without Borders- Executive Summary
Publishing date: 27 January 2014
Content type: Study / report
Where we are: OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine (closed)
What we do: Border management, Environmental activities
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
This publication briefly informs about the results of the Dniester process and presents achievements of an OSCE-supported project “Transboundary Co-operation and Sustainable Management in the Dniester River Basin: Phase III – Implementation of the Action Programme”. It provides a summative description of the project activities on development and signing of the Moldovan-Ukrainian Dniester River basin Treaty, transboundary water monitoring, fish fauna conservation, information sharing on the basin level, public awareness, and reducing vulnerability to extreme floods and climate change. The summary presents recommendations for further activities in the Dniester basin and is a valuable reference for the further development of the transboundary integrated water resources management. More information on these issues is contained in the full report “Dniester without border”. This summary is available in English and Russian.
Dniester Without Borders
Publishing date: 27 January 2014
Content type: Study / report
Where we are: OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine (closed)
What we do: Border management, Environmental activities
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
This publication presents achievements of a project “Transboundary Co-operation and Sustainable Management in the Dniester River Basin: Phase III – Implementation of the Action Programme”. It describes in detail activities on development and signing of the Moldovan-Ukrainian Dniester River Basin Treaty, transboundary water monitoring, fish fauna conservation, information sharing on the basin level, public awareness, and reducing vulnerability to extreme floods and climate change. It provides recommendations for further activities in the Dniester basin and is a valuable reference for the further development of the transboundary integrated water resources management. Available in Russian only.
Anti-corruption Mechanisms and Accountability of Police Officers in Montenegro
Publishing date: 21 January 2014
Content type: Study / report
Where we are: OSCE Mission to Montenegro
What we do: Policing
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
This report, by the Centre for Democracy and Human Rights, supported by the OSCE, looks at to what extent current mechanisms contribute to the fight against corruption in the police. The report provides insights into how those mechanisms can be improved.
ODIHR and Migration and Freedom of Movement
Publishing date: 11 December 2013
Collections: ODIHR Publications, Archive of migration-related resources, Archive of freedom of movement-related resources
Content type: Factsheet
Where we are: OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
What we do: Democratization, Migration
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
A factsheet about ODIHR’s work in assisting OSCE participating States with the integration of migrants, managing labour migration and eliminating obstacles to the freedom of movement.
Aarhus Centre Booklet
Publishing date: 16 October 2013
Content type: Brochure
Where we are: OSCE Centre in Ashgabat
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Swiss Facts, Priorities of the 2014 Swiss Chairmanship
Publishing date: 6 December 2013
Events: 20th OSCE Ministerial Council
Content type: Factsheet
Where we are: OSCE Chairmanship
Under the leitmotif “Creating a Security Community for the Benefit of Everyone", Switzerland wants to make a tangible contribution to: fostering security and stability, improving people's lives, and strengthening the OSCE's capacity to act.
Legal Interview- Communication Techniques
Publishing date: 10 January 2014
Collections: Democratization Department publications
Content type: Study / report
Where we are: OSCE Mission to Serbia
What we do: Rule of law, Tolerance and non-discrimination
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
This manual, available in Serbian language, serves as a teaching tool for university students participating in the legal clinics’ programme. It helps them develop interviewing skills necessary for work with the beneficiaries. The Network of Legal Clinics in Serbia published the manual in 2010 with the support of the OSCE Mission to Serbia.
Reassessing Progress in the Development and Implementation of the Legal and Policy Framework for the Reintegration of Repatriated Persons
Publishing date: 8 January 2014
Content type: Study / report
Where we are: OSCE Mission in Kosovo
What we do: Human rights
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
The report reassesses progress by relevant institutions towards sustainable reintegration of repatriated persons. While there have been significant improvements since 2011, full implementation of the new legal and policy framework is crucial.
ODIHR and Legislative Support
Publishing date: 26 November 2013
Collections: ODIHR Publications
Content type: Factsheet
Where we are: OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
What we do: Democratization, Human rights, Good governance, Gender equality, Rule of law, Tolerance and non-discrimination
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
A factsheet about ODIHR’s work in supporting legal reform in participating States by reviewing, upon request, individual pieces of draft and existing legislation to ensure clarity and coherence, as well as compliance with OSCE commitments and international human rights standards.
Women’s Political Participation on the Local Level in Austria
Publishing date: 2 January 2014
Content type: Study / report
Where we are: OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
What we do: Democratization, Gender equality
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe