16th South Caucasus Media Conference - Strengthening media freedom and safety of journalists in a changing environment (#SCMC2019)
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The 16th South Caucasus Media Conference titled "Strengthening media freedom and safety of journalists in a changing environment" will be held in Tbilisi on 9-10 October 2019.
The conference will gather participants from Armenia and Azerbaijan and Georgia representing the public authorities, media, journalists' associations, civil society, academia, and international experts to discuss the issues of the regulatory frameworks, safe working environment, and new media technologies.
The event will offer four plenary sessions providing an overview of media freedom developments in the region, as well as focus on news creation, quality journalism and distribution of media in the age of digital reporting; the safety of journalists offline and online in times of political change; and the regulatory environment for media freedom and media pluralism.
The working languages will be English and Russian with simultaneous interpretation.
The event will take place at the Hotel Marriott Courtyard Tbilisi.
For any questions regarding the conference, including administration and registration, please contact Lusine Apresyan, [email protected].