News and press releases
News and press releases from the OSCE's global activities.
OSCE promotes interfaith dialogue in Kosovo
Publishing date: 22 April 2013
Content type: News
Where we are: OSCE Mission in Kosovo
What we do: Tolerance and non-discrimination
A series of five forums organized by the OSCE Mission in Kosovo for the representatives of the Islamic, Serbian Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish communities to facilitate interfaith dialogue, promote tolerance and freedom of religion and belief, concluded in Mitrovicë/Mitrovica on 19 April 2013...
Better information on repatriated persons leads to better assistance: workshop of OSCE Mission in Kosovo
Publishing date: 19 April 2013
A two-day workshop to help municipal officials collect and process data on returnees and repatriated persons in Kosovo concluded in Mavrovo, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, on 19 April 2013...
OSCE helps Kosovo Youth Council develop strategy to participate in decision-making
Publishing date: 15 April 2013
From 11 to 13 April 2013, the OSCE Mission in Kosovo organized a workshop in Prevallë/Prevalac to help the Central Youth Action Council (CYAC) participate in policy- and decision-making in ministries and municipalities...
OSCE Kosovo Mission acting Head condemns attack on human rights activist
Publishing date: 28 March 2013
PRISHTINË/PRIŠTINA, 28 March 2013 – The acting Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Paivi Nikander, strongly condemned today the physical assault on prominent human rights activist Nazlie Bala, which took place last night...
OSCE holds training on terrorist bombing prevention in Kosovo
Publishing date: 13 March 2013
An OSCE-supported workshop on terrorist bombing prevention organized for representatives of the Assembly of Kosovo, Kosovo Police, relevant ministries, the customs service, the office of the special prosecutor and the business community concluded in Prishtinë/Priština on 13 March 2013...
OSCE Mission Head calls for formal status for Women’s Caucus in Assembly of Kosovo
Publishing date: 7 March 2013
PRISHTINË/PRIŠTINA, 7 March 2013- OSCE Head of Mission in Kosovo Ambassador Jean-Claude Schlumberger is marking international women’s day with a call for a formal status for the central level Women’s Caucus and the appointment of women to senior level posts...
OSCE Mission calls for full implementation of civil service reform, equitable representation of women and communities
Publishing date: 22 February 2013
PRISHTINË/PRIŠTINA, 22 February 2013 – Institutions in Kosovo should increase their efforts to fully implement civil service legislation and finalize the process of civil service reform, including the equitable representation of women and communities, say two OSCE reports issued today...