OSCE Presence presents Handbook on Prosecutorial Leadership to Albania’s prosecutors
The OSCE Presence in Albania presented a Handbook on Prosecutorial Leadership to heads of local prosecution offices across Albania, at an online event, on 20 April 2021.
The Handbook — which will be made available to all prosecutors — is a practical, go-to instrument to help prosecutors in managing their daily work and caseload and facilitate their role as leaders of an investigation. It is based on the findings of a gap analysis that the Presence conducted in 2019, which served to better inform the Presence’s further activities and engagements in support of the prosecutorial system in the country. One of the main findings of the gap analysis was the need to further enhance prosecutorial leadership, which the handbook addresses.
In the recent years, the OSCE Presence has engaged in the field of prosecution, because of the changes that the justice reform introduced to this system.
The Handbook on the Prosecutorial Leadership is available at https://www.osce.org/presence-in-albania/483992