The Supplementary Human Dimension Meetings provide opportunity for dialogue and exchange of views between participating States, and civil society actors on the existing good practices and challenges about specific topics.
Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting (SHDM) II on Effective Multilateralism in the OSCE Human Dimension
The second Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting will examine specific actors and issues relevant to the topic of multilateralism in the human dimension, where multilateral approaches can be particularly advantageous. The discussions will touch upon the mutually supporting role between multilateral system and national human rights institutions, and the resulting benefits to overall delivery of OSCE human dimension commitments. Further focus will be given to online violence against women and girls, as a particular thematic area where multilateral response is crucial, bearing in mind the emerging human rights challenges and risks presented by new technologies.
Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting (SHDM) I - Upholding the Principles of Tolerance and Non-Discrimination including in the Promotion and Protection of Freedom of Religion or Belief
The first Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting (SHDM) will offer a platform to the OSCE participating States, intergovernmental organizations, educational experts, religious or belief communities and civil society to discuss the progress made by participating States in implementing OSCE commitments to address all forms of discrimination, including racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, intolerance against Muslims, Christians and members of other religious or belief communities. The meeting will provide an opportunity to present and discuss good practices that show how key actors can prevent and respond to intolerance and to explore the differing impact that such intolerance has on women and men.
Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting (SHDM) III - Human Rights and Education: Promoting human rights, peaceful coexistence and security in the OSCE region through education
The third Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting (SHDM) will offer a platform to OSCE participating States, OSCE institutions and executive structures, international organisations, civil society organizations and academic experts to discuss the current state of play when it comes to advancing human rights education and access to education. It will explore initiatives and programs meant to facilitate and support policy making as well as opportunities to leverage new information technologies for advancing human rights education and promoting the right to education.
Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting (SHDM) II: Countering Violence against Women – Everyone’s Responsibility
The second Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting (SHDM) on the topic of Countering Violence against Women – Everyone’s Responsibility will take place in Vienna on 2 and 3 July 2018. The meeting is organized by the Italian OSCE Chairmanship with the support of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and in co-ordination with the Gender Section of the Office of the Secretary General (OSG/GS).
Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting (SHDM) I: Child Trafficking - From Prevention to Protection
The first Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting (SHDM) on the topic of Child Trafficking - From Prevention to Protection will take place in Vienna on 28 and 29 May 2018. The meeting is organized by the Italian OSCE Chairmanship with the support of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and in co-ordination with the OSCE Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings (OSR/CTHB).
Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting (SHDM) - Access to Justice as a Key Element of the Rule of Law
A Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting (SHDM) on the topic of Access to Justice as a Key Element of the Rule of Law will take place in Vienna on 16 and 17 November 2017. The meeting is co-organized by the Austrian OSCE Chairmanship, the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and the OSCE Office of the High Commissioner on National Minorities (HCNM).
Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting (SHDM) - The Role of Free Media in the Comprehensive Approach to Security
The Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting (SHDM) on the topic of The Role of the Free Media in the Comprehensive Approach to Security will take place in Vienna from 2 - 3 November 2017. The meeting is co-organized by the Austrian OSCE Chairmanship, the OSCE Representative on the Freedom of Media (RFOM) and the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR).
Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting (SHDM) I: Freedom of Religion or Belief: Issues, Opportunities, and the Specific Challenges of Combatting Anti-Semitism and Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians, Muslims, and Members of Other Religions
The Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting (SHDM) on the topic of Freedom of Religion or Belief: Issues, Opportunities, and the Specific Challenges of Combatting Anti-Semitism and Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians, Muslims, and Members of Other Religions will take place in Vienna from 22 to 23 June 2017. The meeting is organized by the Austrian OSCE Chairmanship and the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR). It will provide an opportunity for participants to take stock of OSCE human dimension commitments in the sphere of freedom of religion or belief and tolerance and non-discrimination in the wake of current and emerging issues in the OSCE region, to clarify and explore the multi-faceted dimensions of this right and its contribution to security, exchange views on good practices, and to offer recommendations.