Bibliothèque de documents
Permanent Council Decision No. 605 (fr)
Publishing date: 1 avril 2004
Content type: Décision / Déclaration
Where we are: Permanent Council
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Agenda, timetable and other organizational modalities of the 2004 Human Dimension Seminar
Permanent Council Decision No. 604 (fr)
Publishing date: 1 avril 2004
Content type: Décision / Déclaration
Where we are: Permanent Council
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Agenda and modalities of the 2004 Annual Security Review Conference. Annex 1- Agenda. Annex 2- Organizational modalities.
Permanent Council Decision, subject to a silence procedure expiring on Wednesday, 31 March 2004, at 12 noon. (fr)
Publishing date: 30 mars 2004
Content type: Décision / Déclaration
Where we are: Permanent Council, OSCE Mission in Kosovo
Ce que nous faisons Human rights
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Permanent Council Decision No. 603 (fr)
Publishing date: 30 mars 2004
Content type: Décision / Déclaration
Where we are: Permanent Council, OSCE Mission in Kosovo
Ce que nous faisons Human rights
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Kosovo Police Service School. Annex- OMIK 2004 Budget.
Statement by the Delegation of Luxembourg/EU (with the candidate countries Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania and Turkey in alignment) in response to the Chairman-in Office of the OSCE, H.E. Dimitrij Rupel
Publishing date: 13 janvier 2005
Collections: List of new releases
Content type: Déclaration / discours
Where we are: Permanent Council
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Permanent Council Decision No. 602 (fr)
Publishing date: 25 mars 2004
Content type: Décision / Déclaration
Where we are: Permanent Council
Ce que nous faisons Human rights
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Main subjects and organizational modalities for the Twelfth Meeting of the Economic Forum
Journal of the 529th Plenary Meeting of the Permanent Council (fr)
Publishing date: 21 octobre 2004
Content type: Document de conférence / de réunion
Where we are: Permanent Council
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Journal of the 408th Plenary Meeting of the Forum for Security Co-operation (fr)
Publishing date: 26 novembre 2003
Content type: Document de conférence / de réunion
Where we are: Forum for Security Co-operation
Ce que nous faisons Maîtrise des armements, Reform and co-operation in the security sector
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Permanent Council Decision No. 601 (fr)
Publishing date: 18 mars 2004
Content type: Décision / Déclaration
Where we are: Permanent Council
Ce que nous faisons Human rights
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Dates of the 2004 Annual Security Review Conference
Forum for Security Co-operation Decision No. 4/03 (fr)
Publishing date: 9 avril 2003
Content type: Décision / Déclaration
Where we are: Forum for Security Co-operation
Ce que nous faisons Maîtrise des armements, Reform and co-operation in the security sector
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe