Statement by Mr. Mohiedine El Kadiri, Counsellor of the Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Morocco to Vienna
Statement by Mr. Mohiedine el Kadiri, Counsellor of the Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Morocco to Vienna, delivered to the Twelfth OSCE Economic Forum
Contribution by Ms. Jeannette Kloetzer, Economic and Environmental Officer, OSCE Office to Yerevan, Working Group B - Session 3
Contribution to the Working Group B - Session 3
"Strengthening service and networking capacity of business organizatons" by Ms. Jeannette Kloetzer, Economic and Environmental Officer, OSCE Office in Yerevan
Statement of His Excellency the Ambassador of Jordan in the special session on "Promoting co-operation with Mediterranean Partners"
Statement of His Excellency the Ambassador of Jordan in the special session on "Promoting co-operation with Mediterranean Partners",
12th Meeting of the OSCE Economic Forum
Main points for the presentation by Mr. Armands Pupols, Mission Programme Officer, OSCE CPC, Working Group A
Main points for the presentation by Mr. Armands Pupols, Mission Programme Officer, OSCE CPC, Working Group A: Political commitment for institutional development and reform, Session A1, Twelfth Economic Forum in Prague