Presentation by Mr. Willem Buiter, Chief Economist, EBRD, to the Special Session on Integration Process in the OSCE Region of the 12th OSCE Economic Forum
Intervention by Mr. Moheidine El Kadiri, Counsellor of the Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Morocco to Vienna
Intervention by Mr. Moheidine El Kadiri, in the name of Morocco, during the special meeting (side event) concerning the promotion of the co-operation with the Mediterrranean partners for the co-operation at the 12th Economic Forum
Statement by the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation
Statement delivered by the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the Special Session on Integration Process in the OSCE Region of the 12th OSCE Economic Forum
Report on the Side-event on Promoting co-operation with the Mediterranean Partners for Co-operation
Report on the Side-event on Promoting co-operation with the Mediterranean Partners for Co-operation held on 3 June 2004 on the occasion of the 12th OSCE Economic Forum
Statement by the Czech Republic in reply to the Principality of Liechtenstein under Agenda item: Review of the Implementation of OSCE Commitments in the Economic and Environmental Dimension
Statement by the Czech Republic in reply to the Principality of Liechtenstein