OSCE supports conference on promotion of green technologies in Kazakhstan
The OSCE Programme Office in Astana in partnership with the Burabay Aarhus Centre organized a conference on the promotion of green technologies in the Schuchinsk-Borovoye resort zone in Borovoye, Kazakhstan, on 27 March 2015.
Some 50 representatives of the Parliament, regional and local administration, private and non-governmental organizations, academia and national experts discussed energy efficiency in the hotel industry, the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions and water pollution, waste management and the use of alternative energy in the resort area.
The event aims to demonstrate the successful utilization of environmentally-friendly projects and technologies in an effort to promote ecotourism in the region and reduce the environmental footprint of tourist activities. It is particularly important in view of EXPO-2017 to be held in Astana on the topic of future energy. Participants will draft a set of recommendations for follow-up activities in this sphere.
The event is part of the Office’s activities aimed at promoting the green growth principles in the host country.