OSCE Centre helps to prevent domestic violence in Kazakhstan
From 14 to 16 October 2013 the OSCE Centre in Astana held training seminars for police inspectors of Almaty on better implementation of Kazakhstan’s current legislation on the prevention of domestic violence.
The OSCE Center’s legal consultant conducted four workshops for 100 police officers from seven districts of Almaty on gender aspects and legal mechanisms of working with victims of domestic violence.
The workshops brought together police inspectors who first encounter domestic violence cases. The training aimed to develop the officers’ skills in effectively handling domestic violence cases through deepening their understanding of gender differences and enhancing their knowledge of domestic violence law specifics and legal procedures.
The workshop participants discussed the importance of raising awareness of domestic violence which is at the core of prevention efforts. It includes working with the general public and civil servants to change societal attitudes and the pattern of acceptance of violence against women, to expose the public and local governments to the magnitude of this problem, and to stop being silent about violence against women.
This project is co-funded with UN Women in co-operation with local NGO “Podrugi”.