OSCE Centre supports better extra-judicial dispute resolution, reconciliation in Kazakhstan
Development of the mediation practice in criminal and civil processes in Kazakhstan was the main topic of an international conference held in Astana on 18 June 2013 with the OSCE support.
The event was co-organized by the Prosecutor General’s Office in co-operation with the Supreme Court, the Justice Ministry, the EU Delegation to Kazakhstan, the international NGO Penal Reform International and the United Nations Development Programme.
The conference brought together more than 250 high-level government and law enforcement agency officials, parliamentarians, representatives of the judiciary, non-governmental and international organizations, legal practitioners, academics and experts.
The event focused on the draft concept on mediation in criminal and civil processes. The practices that would allow for conciliation by the parties through both the court’s intervention and out-of-court settlement were discussed. Participants addressed the legal culture of dispute resolution, as well as the simplification of tort claims procedures by expanding the application of summary procedure. They also reviewed best practices in the mediation, with a particular focus on such issues as public confidence in the mediation process. They put forth a set of recommendations on legislative and practical steps to improve mediation and reconciliation practice.
Askhat Daulbayev, the Prosecutor General of Kazakhstan, highly assessed the efforts of the OSCE Centre, the UNDP, the Penal Reform International and the EU in organizing the event, and noted the importance of such activities for further development of legal reform in Kazakhstan. “Many of you remember the first Forum on Penal Reform last March, supported by the same organizations. And today some 90% of its recommendations are currently being implemented. We hope that today's proposals will follow suit,” he said.
The event is part of the Centre’s long-term activities to support Kazakhstan in reforming its legislation in accordance with OSCE standards and commitments.