OSCE Tashkent Centre opens Internet cafe for journalists in Samarkand
SAMARKAND, 8 July 2005 - The OSCE Centre in Tashkent has launched its second Internet Cafe for Journalists today, opening new possibilities for media professionals who need access to the up-to-date global information network.
"Free and professional media are vital for the development of modern democratic societies," said Ambassador Miroslav Jenca, the Head of the OSCE Centre in Tashkent, in his opening speech.
"I hope this resource centre will not only contribute to your professional growth, but also become a place for communication and exchange of experience for the journalists of Samarkand."
The successful experience of the Internet Cafe for Journalists in Tashkent, which has been functioning since November 2003, has prepared the ground for a similar initiative in Samarkand (central Uzbekistan). A third one will officially be opened in Nukus (Republic of Karakalpakstan) soon.
On average, more than 500 visitors - journalists, students and teachers - use the resources of Internet Cafe in Tashkent each month.
Located in the centre of Samarkand, the Internet Cafe for Journalists is easily accessible. Training sessions on modern IT equipment and Internet skills will be organized for users on a regular basis by the project staff.
The project is one of a number of efforts, the OSCE Centre in Tashkent is undertaking in order to promote media freedom in the country.