OSCE advances professional skills of Uzbek media
A three-day OSCE training course for 25 chief editors of print media and information agencies in Uzbekistan on international professional standards and ethics took place in Tashkent from 5 to 7 December 2013.
The course was held by the office of the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan together with the Public Fund for the Support and Development of Independent Print Media and News Agencies of Uzbekistan, as well as the International In-service Training Centre for Journalists. Experts from United Kingdom delivering the training shared best practices with participants of media work and covered specific thematic areas, such as politics, government and crisis situations in the context of both Western European media standards and those in Uzbekistan.
“Media leaders play a key role in shaping new ways of thinking, promoting legal education, strengthening the role of the media in civil society,” said Ambassador György Szabó, the OSCE Project Coordinator in Uzbekistan. “Quality media promote better communication and co-operation between the authorities and the public, which is beneficial for all.”
The course is part of an on-going capacity-building OSCE project for staff of information services in Uzbekistan’s state administration agencies and civil society organizations.