OSCE organizes national cycle ride in Tashkent to promote environmental sustainability
TASHKENT, 15 September 2013 –The OSCE Project Co-ordinator and the non-governmental organization Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan ran today a national cycle event in the streets of Tashkent, to promote environmental, social and economic sustainability.
The cycling ride gathered some 70 representatives of Uzbekistan Parliament, ministries, civil society organizations, and foreign diplomats,, as well as young people and local celebrities who rode bicycles together throughout the capital.
In his opening speech the OSCE Project Co-ordinator, Ambassador György Szabó said: “Sustainable transportation, healthy life style and great fun of cycling – these are things that we want to highlight by holding this event today.”
OSCE provided several bicycles for the event, which Szabó together with the Parliament Deputy Speaker Boriy Alikhanov later donated to five orphanages in Tashkent.
“We are encouraged by the fact that the authorities have supported the idea and helped to implement it. This could pave the way for further steps by the government to promote cycling in its programmes,” he said.
Szabó also commended the Ecological Movement that co-organized the event, for “making a valuable contribution to the public discussion and awareness rising important social and environmental matters”.
“This is especially relevant today, as we mark the International Day of Democracy”, he said.