OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine trains trainers on corrective work for domestic violence perpetrators
KYIV, 23 November 2012 – A OSCE-supported train-the-trainers seminar on corrective work with domestic violence perpetrators for senior teaching staff from the Ukrainian State Institute for Family and Youth Policy concluded in Kyiv today.
During the five-day seminar, organized by the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine (PCU) in co-operation with Ukraine’s Social Policy Ministry, 26 participants studied ways to foster non-violent behaviour in perpetrators. They will later transfer this knowledge to psychologists and social workers in all regions of Ukraine.
“Training teaching staff on corrective work is a step forward in enhancing local outreach and increasing the sustainability of our joint efforts to combat domestic violence with Ukraine’s authorities,” said Rene BeBeau, the Senior Project Officer of the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine. “Since 2009, the PCU has worked to familiarize Ukrainian teachers and practitioners with best practices from the OSCE region and thereby to facilitate the effective implementation of Ukrainian anti-domestic violence legislation.”
The seminar is part of a PCU project to support the promotion of gender equality and prevention of gender-based violence in Ukraine.