Computer centre for female students opens in Dushanbe with OSCE help
DUSHANBE, 7 March 2008 - A computer centre in a student dormitory for orphan girls opened today with the help of the OSCE Centre in Dushanbe.
It has eight computers and is managed by the Government Committee on Women and Family Affairs.
"The new centre will help students enhance their computer skills and find more information on the Internet to further their studies," said Ambassador Vladimir Pryakhin, the Head of the OSCE Centre.
"The education and professional development of women will contribute to their empowerment in society. True progress can be achieved only when women and men are prepared to take on more responsibilities for the growth and wellbeing of their country."
Kimmatgul Aliberdieva, the Deputy Head of the Government Committee on Women and Family Affairs, said: "The computer centre provided by the OSCE will allow the girls to get more information and be better prepared for their professional careers."
The opening of the computer centre is part of the OSCE Gender Programme, which supports the Government in implementing the ten-year State Programme on equal rights and opportunities for men and women.