OSCE Centre launches magazine and website on gender issues in Tajikistan
DUSHANBE 12 October 2006
(OSCE/Surat Toimastov)The first shelter for women in Tajikistan, opened by the OSCE Field Office in Khujand. The shelter provides refuge for victims of domestic violence, trafficking and other forms of abuse. Photo taken 25 November 2005.
(OSCE/Surat Toimastov) Photo details
DUSHANBE, 12 October 2006 - Raising the awareness of local authorities, community leaders and non-governmental organizations on gender issues is the aim of an OSCE-sponsored magazine "Ravzana ba Jahon" ("Window to the World") and website presented today in Dushanbe.
"By speaking out on gender issues and focusing on the rights of women, the new magazine and website will help create a favourable public environment for implementing a State gender policy in Tajikistan," said Graziella Piga, Gender Officer in the OSCE Centre in Dushanbe.
Mariam Davlatova, Head of the NGO Centre for Gender Policy and Editor-in-Chief of the magazine, added: "The publication will offer an analytical and educational approach to gender-related issues both in Tajikistan and abroad".
The bi-monthly magazine will have a circulation of 1,000 copies and will be available in Tajik and Russian.
The project, co-sponsored with the United Nations Development Programme and the Open Society Institute, is part of the OSCE Centre's broader efforts to help develop gender media in Tajikistan.
"By speaking out on gender issues and focusing on the rights of women, the new magazine and website will help create a favourable public environment for implementing a State gender policy in Tajikistan," said Graziella Piga, Gender Officer in the OSCE Centre in Dushanbe.
Mariam Davlatova, Head of the NGO Centre for Gender Policy and Editor-in-Chief of the magazine, added: "The publication will offer an analytical and educational approach to gender-related issues both in Tajikistan and abroad".
The bi-monthly magazine will have a circulation of 1,000 copies and will be available in Tajik and Russian.
The project, co-sponsored with the United Nations Development Programme and the Open Society Institute, is part of the OSCE Centre's broader efforts to help develop gender media in Tajikistan.