OSCE Office in Tajikistan organizes workshop on verifying the authenticity of security documents
DUSHANBE, 15 July 2016 – Twenty-four mid-rank officers from the Tajik Border Troops, the State Committee on National Security and Tajikistan’s Ministry of Internal Affairs today completed a week-long OSCE workshop in Dushanbe on verifying the authenticity of security documents.
The workshop examined how documents are falsified, how passport booklets are constructed and produced, the processes behind producing paper for such documents, security features as well as the methods for verifying passports. Participants also improved their knowledge of technical devices and modern methods for verifying document authenticity, the types of light sources used during the verification, and in working with documents with plastic pages.
The workshop was delivered by two experts from Belarus.
“The Office in Tajikistan continues supporting the capacity building of Tajik border and security agencies, including in the areas of contemporary approaches to identifying forged travel documents and in inter-agency co-ordination and co-operation in this area,” said Vyacheslav Abramets, Border Management Adviser at the OSCE Office. “The workshop was organized as part of this year’s activities by the OSCE Office and within the framework of the successful implementation of the Tajik National Border Management Strategy.”
The workshop follows the June 2016 handover by the OSCE Office in Tajikistan of a video-spectral comparator with informational-reference system, a spectral fluorescent microscope, compact devices for express authenticity verification, a spectral luminescent magnifier and a desktop computer set, to the Border Troops. The equipment was installed at the border checkpoint in the newly-constructed terminal of Dushanbe International Airport to enable the advanced authenticity verification of passports.