One year course in border security and management for senior leadership starts at the OSCE Border Management Staff College in Dushanbe
DUSHANBE, 8 June 2016 – A one-year learning course on Border Security and Management for Senior Leadership (BSMSL) was launched with an introductory meeting that took place in Dushanbe from 6-8 June.
The course was designed and developed by the OSCE Border Management Staff College and the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), and aims to enhance the knowledge, competencies and leadership potential of mid- to senior-level professionals working in the area of border security and management.
Twenty-four participants from Afghanistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Jordan, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Portugal, Tajikistan, Tunisia and Ukraine will participate in the course, providing a comprehensive insight into the contemporary security environment, leadership and management competencies as well as mechanisms to prevent and combat existing and emerging security threats and challenges.
The course programme is divided in three modules that involve participants in fact-finding, analyzing, decision-making, and management activities. Its format provides an opportunity to draw from various international best practices and expertise, putting emphasis on co-operation between operational and academic approaches and encouraging peer-learning.
Each module is presented through a variety of training and learning methods, including e-learning, face-to-face study, follow-on discussions and follow-up activities, group exercises, and study visits.
“Borders exist to unite people and not to divide them. This course is one of the college’s long-term initiatives aiming to promote and implement the concept of open but secure borders. With the knowledge obtained here participants will not only be able to enhance their professional skills but also be capable to develop and provide analysis and recommendations to improve capacities and the situation at borders,” said Ambassador Marcel Pesko, Director of the OSCE Conflict Prevention Centre, while addressing the BSMSL participants.
Andrus Oovel, Head of the DCAF Border Security Programme added: “This course is a combination of social, political and security science, covering a wide range of academic disciplines on global governance and security, humanities, law, criminal justice and studies which include leadership and management for strategic and operational planning in managing migration, border security, and trade facilitation.”