Strengthened amnesty laws and improved support for released persons in Tajikistan recommended at OSCE-hosted roundtable discussion
An analysis of Tajikistan’s three most recent amnesty laws and the findings of a study on the situation of persons released from confinement were presented at an OSCE-hosted roundtable discussion on 3 June 2016 in Dushanbe, which brought together some 30 representatives of the government, civil society and international partners.
The analysis and the study, conducted by Tajik National University with the support of the OSCE Office in Tajikistan, examined the phenomenon of recidivism among released persons and the influence of government support networks upon a released person’s chances for successful re-integration into society.
According to the study, lack of education, professional skills and employment opportunities and the social stigma attached to convicted and imprisoned persons are among the main factors contributing to recidivism. The authors concluded that released persons would benefit from more state-sponsored rehabilitation programmes, including housing facilities for persons with special needs.
Roundtable participants discussed the findings of the study and developed draft recommendations for the strengthening of amnesty laws in Tajikistan and for improved support for released persons.