OSCE Border Management Staff College hosts World Customs Organization Train-the-Trainer course
DUSHANBE, 14 August 2015 – A ten-day comprehensive train-the-trainer course for sixteen instructors from customs training institutions in Central Asia, India and Pakistan concluded at the OSCE Border Management Staff College in Dushanbe today. The course was organized jointly by the College and the World Customs Organization’s (WCO) Programme Global Shield (PGS).
The course aimed at enhancing the capacity of current instructors in delivering the technical knowledge on countering the illicit diversion and trafficking of precursor chemicals used in the manufacture of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs). Participants developed their skills in identifying IEDs, recognizing fraud, behavioural analysis, examination techniques and investigative procedures with the aim of instructing this know-how to other colleagues.
“Cross-border programmes such as this one promote the exchange of information, identifying and developing border practices that build the capacity of operational border management,” said Dita Nowicka, Director of the OSCE Border Management Staff College. “The study sessions focused on theoretical as well as practical lessons and gave participants from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, India, Pakistan and Tajikistan the possibility to further develop their knowledge as well as their trainer skills. The impact of participants’ work in detecting and preventing trafficking of precursor chemicals is particularly significant as they are the ones who will disseminate the lessons delivered during the course with colleagues in their national agencies.”
Participants gave presentations on related subjects, showcasing their skills as trainers, while experts from the WCO’s Programme Global Shield evaluated their work and provided feedback.
WCO’s Programme Global Shield Programme Associate, Seevali Arukgoda said: “Today IEDs have become the weapon of choice of violent extremist organizations around the world to inflict heavy damage to people and property. Most of these IEDs are manufactured using explosive precursor chemicals and explosive components diverted from legitimate trade. The Programme Global Shield aims at providing technical knowledge and material to border control agencies to effectively counter the illicit diversion and trafficking of these chemicals. The partnership of the Programme Global Shield with OSCE in delivering the training curriculum has greatly contributed to enhancement of the security of global supply chain and in particular the national security of countries in Central Asia, Pakistan, India and Afghanistan.”