OSCE Office in Tajikistan trains judges and journalists on defamation issues
OSCE Office in Tajikistan trains judges and journalists on defamation issues
A two-day seminar involving approximately 30 judges, lawyers and journalists on issues related to defamation and libel concluded on 16 September at the premises of the OSCE Office in Tajikistan.
The seminar, was organized by the OSCE Office and the Council of Justice of the Republic of Tajikistan, and took place amid a backdrop of recent prosecutions and court decisions against journalists and newspapers on defamation charges.
National and international experts set out the legal framework governing the freedom of expression and freedom of the media in Tajikistan, and explained the potential conflict with these freedoms against other rights protected by national law and international conventions.
Participants discussed and analysed recent court decisions against journalists and media outlets, and media workers emphasized the chilling effect that these rulings can have on their work. They noted increasing self-censorship in the work of journalists.
A representative of the Supreme Court of Tajikistan introduced guidelines adopted by the Court on implementing legislation on the protection of individual dignity, honour and professional reputation.
The chairperson of the Tajik media council, a self-regulatory body established with the OSCE support in 2009, explained alternative mediation mechanisms outside the judicial system.
“By conducting these seminars for media professionals and judges for the third year in a row, the OSCE Office is promoting a continuing dialogue among these two important branches for a democratic society,” said Ambassador Markus Mueller, the Head of the OSCE Office in Tajikistan.
Mavluda Kalandarova, Deputy Head of the Council of Justice in Tajikistan, said: "This event reflects the close co-operation between the OSCE Office and the Council of Justice. The workshop will familiarize participants with the international experience in handling legal cases related to the protection of honour, dignity and business reputation. I hope that the workshop will enable participants to improve their skills and knowledge in the international standards of freedom of speech and settling such disputes."
The discussions in Dushanbe will be followed by another two-day seminar in Khujand with approximately 30 regional representatives from the media and judiciary.