Goal 13: Climate action
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
Climate change affects every country on every continent. Weather patterns are changing, sea levels are rising, weather events are becoming more extreme and greenhouse gas emissions are now at their highest levels in history.
Climate change is a global challenge that does not respect national borders and requires solutions that need to be co-ordinated at the international level. Once considered to be a purely environmental issue, climate change is increasingly being included as an inherent element of national and international security agendas. It is seen as a threat multiplier that exacerbates existing threats to security and environmental stress, adding to pressures that can push the responsive capacities of governments to their limits. The OSCE creates awareness of the security implications of climate change and supports the development and implementation of transboundary climate change adaptation strategies.Infographic: The Environment and Security (ENVSEC) Initiative
7 June 2016
An infographic on the ENVSEC Initiative, which was founded to address the linkage between the environment and security through both technical and political actions, ranging from in-depth vulnerability assessments to capacity building and institutional strengthening.
Story - Infographic - OSCE Secretariat - Environmental activities, Economic and environmental dimension
Moving on Climate Change- In Conversation with Jeffrey Sachs
21 December 2015
Mon, 2015-12-21 12:21 Security Community Climate change used to be considered a “threat multiplier”, it is now a “threat catalyst” [1], said Guardian journalist Suzanne Goldenberg, speaking at the Security Day “Climate Change and Security- Unprecedented Impacts, Unpredictable Risks” hosted by
Blog Article / Security Community Article - Security Community - Environmental activities, Economic and environmental dimension
Ukraine and Moldova endorse Dniester River Basin climate change adaptation strategy
23 April 2015
High level government representatives from Ukraine and Moldova, along with parliamentarians, experts and NGO representatives from both countries, convened in Kyiv on 23 April 2015, to discuss the trans-boundary climate change adaptation strategy and co-operation in the Dniester/Nistru River basin...
News - OSCE Secretariat - Environmental activities, Economic and environmental dimension