OSCE Spillover Monitor Mission to Skopje supports preventing corruption in police services
SKOPJE, 16 December 2010 - International and local police experts will share best practices and discuss ways to prevent and combat corruption in police forces at an OSCE-supported regional conference which started in Mavrovo today.
The two-day conference is organized jointly by the the OSCE Spillover Monitor Mission to Skopje, Interior Ministry and the U.S. International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Programme (ICITAP).
"This event is part of the OSCE Spillover Monitor Mission work aimed at improving professional skills of police officers and encouraging further development of existing mechanisms to fight against corruption in the police in a transparent and democratic manner," said the Head of the OSCE Spillover Monitor Mission to Skopje, Ambassador Jose Luis Herrero.
Interior Minister Gordana Jankuloska added: "Experiences and opinions shared at this conference will contribute to the fight against corruption and help strengthen professional behaviour and conduct at police institutions."
The Spillover Monitor Mission to Skopje through its Rule of Law Department also supports efforts at the national level to establishing and fully functioning of external oversight mechanisms of the police.