Frowick: give intensified political dialogue a chance
SKOPJE 21 May 2001
(Harald Schenker/OSCE)OSCE staff monitor the area west of Kumanovo, former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia, May 2001. (Harald Schenker/OSCE) Photo details
SKOPJE, 21 May 2001 (OSCE) - Robert Frowick, the Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office on the situation in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, issued the following statement during a press conference in Skopje on Friday, 18 May:
"I have been engaged in intensive consultations this week with DPA leader, Mr. Xhaferi, leaders of the Party of Democratic Prosperity, Kosovar Albanian political leaders Rugova, Thaqi and Haradinaj, as well as General Ceku, and Albanian Prime Minister Meta aimed at persuading the ethnic Albanian armed groups that it is time to stop the armed struggle. All have told me they agree with this objective.
"The new coalition government here, with ethnic Albanian influence of unprecedented strength, must be given a chance to intensify a political dialogue aimed at reforms.
"I am deeply convinced the overwhelming majority of the people of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia want to end the recent armed hostilities and resolve internal problems peacefully. President Trajkovski has this week shown commendable leadership in speaking about the importance of the citizenry sticking together to avoid the kind of inter-ethnic warfare that has caused so much tragedy elsewhere across the former Yugoslavia.
"The international community is mustering strong, uncommonly united support behind the new coalition government's political dialogue. OSCE, working in close concert with the European Union and NATO, is confident that this dialogue can truly achieve the reforms that are needed to strengthen the cohesion of the country and create a better future for everyone. This is a golden opportunity that must not be missed.
"However, the leadership of the ethnic Albanian insurgents is defying this search for peace with justice. It speaks of support for political reforms, but stubbornly refuses to pull back from armed confrontation.
"Let me convey a message to Ali Ahmeti: the ethnic Albanian insurgents must choose now, at this pivotal moment, between the pathway to peace with justice or continuing its present course toward an escalating war. Only by choosing peace, and pursuing political objectives through political dialogue, can the door to progress and legitimacy be opened."
For further information please contact Harald Schenker, Media Adviser at the OSCE Spillover Monitor Mission, tel.: + 389 91 111 143, fax: + 389 91 111, tel. 111 143 267, e-mail: [email protected]
"I have been engaged in intensive consultations this week with DPA leader, Mr. Xhaferi, leaders of the Party of Democratic Prosperity, Kosovar Albanian political leaders Rugova, Thaqi and Haradinaj, as well as General Ceku, and Albanian Prime Minister Meta aimed at persuading the ethnic Albanian armed groups that it is time to stop the armed struggle. All have told me they agree with this objective.
"The new coalition government here, with ethnic Albanian influence of unprecedented strength, must be given a chance to intensify a political dialogue aimed at reforms.
"I am deeply convinced the overwhelming majority of the people of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia want to end the recent armed hostilities and resolve internal problems peacefully. President Trajkovski has this week shown commendable leadership in speaking about the importance of the citizenry sticking together to avoid the kind of inter-ethnic warfare that has caused so much tragedy elsewhere across the former Yugoslavia.
"The international community is mustering strong, uncommonly united support behind the new coalition government's political dialogue. OSCE, working in close concert with the European Union and NATO, is confident that this dialogue can truly achieve the reforms that are needed to strengthen the cohesion of the country and create a better future for everyone. This is a golden opportunity that must not be missed.
"However, the leadership of the ethnic Albanian insurgents is defying this search for peace with justice. It speaks of support for political reforms, but stubbornly refuses to pull back from armed confrontation.
"Let me convey a message to Ali Ahmeti: the ethnic Albanian insurgents must choose now, at this pivotal moment, between the pathway to peace with justice or continuing its present course toward an escalating war. Only by choosing peace, and pursuing political objectives through political dialogue, can the door to progress and legitimacy be opened."
For further information please contact Harald Schenker, Media Adviser at the OSCE Spillover Monitor Mission, tel.: + 389 91 111 143, fax: + 389 91 111, tel. 111 143 267, e-mail: [email protected]