Head of OSCE Mission to Skopje calls on all communities to nourish spirit, nurture dynamism of Ohrid Framework Agreement process
SKOPJE, 13 August 2014 - The Head of the OSCE Mission to Skopje, Ambassador Ralf Breth, marking the signing of the Ohrid Framework Agreement (OFA) 13 years ago, said today that the Agreement was a milestone symbolizing the start of the essential process of integrating the society and building a truly multi-ethnic, modern European state.
“The Framework Agreement also marked the commitment to the key European values of reason, dialogue and inclusion over conflict, ethnic strife and separation,” said Breth.
“Keeping such a key process dynamic needs constant tending by all sides involved. The OSCE Mission to Skopje continues to strongly encourage the government to take stock of the actual implementation status of the OFA, in both letter and spirit.”
Ambassador Breth also said that: “Preparing upcoming generations for an integrated and multi-ethnic future is crucial. Teaching and utilizing the richness of diversity in mutual respect through an education system that caters for communal cohesion is thus clearly in the spirit of the OFA. It would cement its laudable achievements while keeping the ghosts of the past at bay and future European integration in sight.”
“The OSCE Mission to Skopje is looking forward to renewed dynamism and bolder steps in this important area that deserves more urgent attention, and is ready to support the institutions in implementing the Agreement.”