OSCE Mission to Skopje launches “Mediation for Change” project
Functional school mediation systems to promote constructive interaction between students, teachers and staff in secondary schools are being set up as part of a new project by the OSCE Mission to Skopje officially launched on 13 March 2014.
The “Mediation for Change” project will commence in Struga municipality from 13 March 2014, with the signing of a memorandum between the Mission and the municipality. The project will be implemented also in the City of Skopje, Tetovo, Gostivar, Kicevo and Prilep, targeting all 38 municipal and 4 state secondary schools in these municipalities. The project is expected to end in August 2015.
The project will be implemented in co-operation with Forum Civil Peace Service (Forum ZFD) and the Ministry of Education and Science, and is financially supported by the Swiss Embassy.