Serbian prison staff training centre approaches handover milestone
Only three years ago, it would have been unimaginable for Dario Gligoric to attend an intensive training programme for prison staff in Serbia. But today, Officer-in-Training Gligoric is one of the latest group of prison guards attending classes at the Staff Training Centre of the Administration for Execution of Penal Sanctions in Nis.
This autumn, the OSCE Mission to Serbia will hand over the self-sustaining project, now setting standards for the rest of the profession, to the Serbian Government. The Centre, which is funded in part by the Canadian International Development Agency, has taken a lead in organizing and co-ordinating training across the penal system.
With OSCE assistance, it conducts training on subjects including the disciplinary responsibility of staff, international prison rules and their application and stress management. The OSCE and the Serbian Ministry of Justice support the Centre by ensuring that the training complies, both practically and legislatively, with European standards.
Specialized training
When the Centre opened in 2004, it lacked proper equipment, a full staff and a professional curriculum. Today, it provides specialized training to prison staff throughout Serbia, emphasizing their roles as an active part of the prisoner rehabilitation process.
The Centre teaches prison staff to address the causes of offensive conduct and encourage prisoners to change their criminal behaviour and lead productive, law-abiding lives after release.
"The psychology classes were especially useful," says Gligoric. "This training has improved my work. It has also helped me understand the importance of proper training for a career in the penal system."
The Centre is also helping Gligoric prepare for the professional state exam. Once he passes the exam, he will become a full-fledged security officer, and will be assigned a post and receive a uniform, rank and firearm.
Expanded curriculum
In addition to training penal system officers, the Centre expanded its curriculum this year to focus on training other staff in the penal system, such as those in employment services as well as lawyers, chief accountants and commissioners in charge of the implementation of alternative sanctions.
"The work we have done in the last three years is beginning to have a cumulative effect," says Livio Sarandrea, Senior Co-ordinator for Rule of Law and Human Rights at the OSCE Mission.
"The Centre initially focused only on fundamental aspects of prison guard training. But now that it offers specialist courses and management-level exercises, prison officers can return later in their careers for additional training. This provides a solid investment in the individual and ensures the sustainability of the programme."
Forging partnerships
Integrating the Centre with national institutions also makes it more sustainable, says its Director, Velimir Cavic.
"The staff at the Centre have worked hard to create partnerships with other educational institutions, notably the University in Nis," Cavic says. Thanks to these efforts, the University is creating a Department for the Special Protection of Persons and Facilities in the Faculty of Physical Education.
The 20 highest-scoring applicants on the Senior Prison Guard training course admission exam will have the opportunity to enrol in the university programme. Officers will be able to pursue academic courses in addition to their studies at the Centre. The first class begins in September.
"Our long-term strategy has focused on creating a system of professional development that provides our trainees with all the tools they need," says Cavic. "A university degree is something we can now assist our recruits in pursuing. It is a significant step in the sustainability of our Training Centre."