OSCE Mission trains crime scene investigators in Belgrade
BELGRADE, 15 June 2005 - Developing a crime scene investigation policy in Serbia and quality management systems were the focus of an OSCE-facilitated workshop in Belgrade, attended by 15 representatives of the Serbian Interior and Justice ministries.
The three-day workshop, which ended today, was part of an ongoing project between the Serbian and Montenegrin Interior ministries, the Government of Sweden and the OSCE.
The project, launched in September 2004, aims to assist in strengthening crime scene management and forensic capacity in Serbia and Montenegro, including the development of forensic laboratory capacities in both republics and encouraging regional co-operation in the field.
"Forensic examination and crime scene investigation are essential components in securing convictions for regular and serious crimes," said Nils Bechmann, Head of the Law Enforcement Department of the OSCE Mission to Serbia and Montenegro.
"With increased sophistication in trans-national organized crime activities, the methods used to combat them need to be enhanced."
Capacity development in the area of forensics is one of the OSCE's key priorities of police reform in Serbia and Montenegro, and the OSCE Mission continues to play a crucial role in co-ordinating a new, comprehensive crime scene investigation policy in the country.