Written interview of OSCE Secretary General Helga Maria Schmid with Faces of Democracy
Translation from German: Helga Maria Schmid, Generalsekretärin der OSZE - Gesichter der Demokratie (faces-of-democracy.org)
Ms Schmid, the OSCE is committed to stability, peace and democracy. Therefore, our first question to you: How important are democracy and democratic values for you personally?
I was lucky to grow up in a democracy - and in a country that knows all too well the dramatic consequences of totalitarianism for its own population as well as for neighbouring countries.
My student days and the beginnings of my professional career were shaped by the major changes in Germany in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The values I learned during this time have shaped me throughout my professional career: as a diplomat in the Federal Foreign Office, in the European External Action Service and today in the OSCE.
I had contact with the OSCE early on - starting with the Paris Summit in 1990, which I attended as a young diplomat. I remember well the spirit of optimism that was in the air back then. All that seems like a distant memory today.
But already back then, I was inspired by the OSCE's comprehensive approach to security. It goes far beyond the traditional military aspects. Because security also depends on economic and environmental factors, as well as respect for fundamental values and human rights.
I am deeply convinced that sustainable security is only possible in a society that respects human rights and is based on democratic institutions.
The security architecture of Europe is facing new challenges since the Russia-Ukraine conflict. What is the status quo and to what extent will security mechanisms in Europe change in the future?
Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine, which began on 24 February, marks a turning point. It has deeply shocked us all. But it should not weaken our commitment to international organisations. It was not multilateralism that failed on 24 February. It was solely the unilateral decision of Russia's leadership to attack another sovereign state, Ukraine, and to deliberately choose military means instead of diplomacy and negotiations.
The OSCE is ready to play its part when the time comes. We are the only security organisation that brings everyone to the table. This is exactly what the OSCE - or the CSCE as it used to be called - was founded for during the Cold War. In addition, the OSCE has already proven that we can act quickly when needed - if there is political will.
The Helsinki Final Act of 1975 is and remains our common foundation. The principles and commitments it contains, such as the territorial integrity of states, the peaceful settlement of conflicts and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, are non-negotiable.
Against the background of the fragile security situation in Europe, the question arises as to what contribution your organisation can make in crisis prevention and conflict resolution. In other words, why do we need the OSCE?
At the moment, our attention is on supporting Ukraine and the neighbouring countries affected by the war.
But the OSCE's work does not stop because the war has started. Quite the opposite. More than ever, we now need strong, effective international organisations. This senseless war is having a devastating impact on the civilian population in Ukraine and on the entire region.
The OSCE is right now addressing the most urgent needs and providing much-needed assistance with our long-standing partners in Ukraine. Our work ranges from assisting with humanitarian demining, to protecting media freedom, for example by training journalists to work in a war zone, and addressing the environmental impact of war.
We are also active in the fight against human trafficking. Millions of people have had to leave their homes since the war began, most of them women and children. They are at significant risk of becoming victims of human trafficking. To protect the most vulnerable, the OSCE has developed clear policy recommendations and is working closely with Ukraine's neighbours.
Although our attention is currently focused on Ukraine, we continue to work across the entire OSCE region. Central Asia and South-Eastern Europe are heavily affected by the war. In these two regions, our field missions have been on the ground for many years, providing advice and assistance to governments and civil society on topics ranging from destroying small arms to curbing corruption, from supporting sustainable use of natural resources, to helping strengthen democratic structures. And we will continue to do this work.
The founding of the OSCE dates back to the heyday of the policy of détente between East and West in the early 1970s. Is the OSCE still up to date? To what extent will its strategic orientation have to change?
The OSCE has always built bridges between East and West, with the Helsinki Final Act in 1975 or the Charter of Paris in 1990. Even in the recent past, important progress has been made. At the Ministerial Council in December 2021, for example, the OSCE participating States unanimously adopted a decision on climate change, which gives us a basis to implement far-reaching regional co-operation projects.
Finding a common denominator has never been easy, and I don't expect it to get any easier in the future. Since 24 February, the rifts and mistrust have obviously grown greater than ever.
But there are still issues where we need to work together. The fight against climate change is a good example. Climate change does not stop at national borders and has serious consequences already today. Future generations will feel it far more, so it is our responsibility to find common solutions. The OSCE is an important partner in this - not only do we offer platforms for political exchange, but also concrete projects, from South-Eastern Europe, Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus to Central Asia.
We have to make use of the formats we have at hand: the Ambassadors of the 57 OSCE states meet every Thursday, and the war against Ukraine and its effects are always on the agenda. There are also topic-specific formats for dialogue on environmental and economic issues or on the human dimension of security, such as human rights or the promotion of democracy. And it is generally important to keep the diplomatic channels open. That is a unique selling point of the OSCE.
Therefore, we need to preserve the OSCE as an inclusive organisation. In my view, it is clear that the OSCE, with its 57 participating States from Central Asia, North America and Europe, will play an even greater role in the future precisely because of its inclusive membership and comprehensive approach to security.
Even before your election as OSCE Secretary General, you were considered an outstanding diplomat - also with regard to the nuclear agreement with Iran. Do we need more dialogue again? Have we forgotten diplomacy?
The nuclear agreement with Iran (JCPOA) is without question a great success of multilateral diplomacy. To get there, it took a long process of confidence building, but also a willingness to dialogue and compromise on all sides. In any case, the agreement has made the world safer and eliminated a source of danger from uncontrollable nuclear proliferation.
The European Union played an important role in these negotiations, as none of the countries involved would have been accepted as honest brokers. This is further proof that we need international and multilateral organisations.
It is precisely because many states from East and West sit around the table together and on an equal footing in the OSCE that the organisation is such a good forum - and has been for almost 50 years. Of course, the debates are not always unanimous, but quite the opposite, at times confrontational and sharp in tone.
This is because the OSCE brings together states that do not always have common interests and values: some have open border issues to overcome, others have eyed each other with suspicion for decades - often for historical reasons. But this is precisely why we need an organisation like the OSCE, which also brings together states whose bilateral relations are not free of challenges. The OSCE offers a wealth of instruments and mechanisms with which we can strengthen trust and regional cooperation. What is needed, however, is the political will to use them.
Since 24 February 2022, some have also questioned whether Russia should continue to be part of the OSCE. Russia's war against Ukraine - unprovoked and unjustifiable - has opened a new chapter in European history. In the OSCE, too, we support Ukraine during this difficult time, as I have just explained.
But excluding Russia from the organisation now would not remedy the situation. Even though it is ultimately a decision of the states and not mine as Secretary General, I would like to say that the founders of the OSCE did not provide for an expulsion mechanism for good reason. The OSCE is by definition an inclusive organisation. Dialogue does not mean that we ignore violations of international law. On the contrary, the OSCE was the first international organisation to document eyewitness accounts in Ukraine. Born out of the Cold War, the OSCE is not a fair-weather organisation. We are currently having very difficult discussions; the rifts are deep. But in the future, the unique instruments of the OSCE, the comprehensive approach to security and the fact that Russia and North America, Europe and Central Asia sit at the same table, will lead the way.
Ms Schmid, our last question is always a personal one: Little is known about your private life. Don't worry - we don't want to change that. Nevertheless, we are interested to know: What do you like to do most in your free time?
As you can imagine, I have had very little free time in recent months. However, there is nothing better than spending time in nature to switch off and recharge my batteries. A day in the mountains followed by a good book and a glass of wine is hard to beat. And here in Vienna we are lucky enough to be able to enjoy both: the beautiful landscape and the good wine.