OSCE organizes workshop on public-private partnerships to enhance tourism security
VIENNA, 8 September 2011 – Participants of a two-day workshop organized by the OSCE that started in Vienna today will discuss tourism security within the framework of public-private partnerships.
“Security in the tourism sector is of major concern to many of the OSCE participating States,” said Ambassador Renatas Norkus, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Lithuania to the OSCE and Chairperson of the OSCE Permanent Council, in his opening statement. “Major downturns in tourism-related activities following terrorist attacks are a tangible manifestation of the economic damage inflicted by terrorism. Even when the travel and tourism sector is not the direct target of attacks, it is affected indirectly, as terrorism creates a climate of fear with people less eager to travel to what is perceived as a danger zone.”
The workshop gathered more than 100 experts from government, international organizations, professional associations, research institutions, as well as companies from the tourism and security sectors. They will discuss how to assess and reduce the potential impact of terrorism on the travel and tourism sector in the OSCE region, including in OSCE Partners for Co-operation countries. They will evaluate the potential economic impact, assess the threats the industry faces and identify strategies and counter-measures to minimize the damage caused by terrorism. A possible future role for the OSCE in this thematic area will be explored as well.
Special focus will be given to the potential for public-private partnerships in enhancing tourism security.
Raphael Perl, the Head on Anti-Terrorism Issues of the OSCE Action against Terrorism Unit (ATU), said: “States can effectively share certain tasks and risks in providing security to citizens, visitors and property with the private sector. Partnerships among public and private stakeholders, as well as co-operation between countries concerned could be an effective means of increasing security and developing tourism at the same time.”
The event is organized by the ATU upon the initiative of the United States and the Russian Federation, in partnership with the United Nations World Tourism Organization and the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute, and funded by the US, Spain and Andorra.