Countering internet use for terrorist purposes focus of OSCE-led exercises in Serbia
From 15 to 17 November 2023, the OSCE Transnational Threats Department (TNTD), the OSCE Mission to Serbia, and the Serbian Ministry of the Interior delivered a National Table-Top Exercise (TTX) in Belgrade on countering the use of the internet for terrorist purposes.
The TTX gathered over fifty participants from Serbian governmental agencies, civil society, the media, and international organizations. It was facilitated by local and international experts, including experts from the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, the Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, UNOCT, Europol, and the UN-led Tech against Terrorism initiative. The participants were introduced to best practices in addressing challenges related to the use of the internet by terrorists while respecting the right to privacy and the freedom of expression, association, peaceful assembly, and religion or belief.
The TTX scenario directed participants' discussion towards generating actionable recommendations at both policy and operational levels within the context of Serbia's national security priorities and aimed at enhancing the co-ordination of national efforts and combating the threats arising from the misuse of the internet by violent extremists and terrorist groups. Participants engaged in interactive, scenario-based exchanges, enhancing their expertise on countering terrorism-related online threats prevalent in Serbia, and ways to tackle these based on practical human rights-centred approaches.
“The implementation of the national table-top exercise on countering the use of the internet for terrorist purposes will be an open opportunity for practical simulation and performing the exercise in the field of preventing the abuse of the internet. Moreover, it serves the purpose of achieving its primary objective, that is strengthening the efficiency of the institutions in Serbia in the field of preventing and countering violent extremism and terrorism, while exercising maximum respect for human rights and freedoms,” said Police Colonel Ivan Brandic, Assistant Head of the Criminal Investigations Directorate at the Serbian Ministry of the Interior in his opening remarks.
“Our experiences have illustrated that collaboration between the government and civil society is absolutely crucial for effectively countering the use of the internet for terrorist purposes while respecting human rights. Non-governmental organizations, the media, local communities, and individuals, as concerned citizens, can play an important role in this,” emphasized Irfan Saeed, Head of the TNTD Action against Terrorism Unit.
Ambassador of Norway to Serbia, Kristin Melsom, and Deputy Head of Mission of the Embassy of Germany in Serbia, Carsten Meyer-Wiefhausen, also delivered opening remarks.
The event was organized in the framework of TNTD’s extra-budgetary project “Preventing and countering the use of the Internet for terrorist purposes in Central Asia” with the financial support of Germany and Poland, as well as the OSCE Mission to Serbia’s extra-budgetary project “Strengthening national capacities to counter misuse of the Internet for terrorist purposes”, funded by Norway.