OSCE supports Kazakhstan in implementing World Trade Organization’s Trade Facilitation Agreement
A two-day national workshop organized by the OSCE on transit procedures with a view to furthering implementation of the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Trade Facilitation Agreement was held for more than 30 representatives of the public authorities of Kazakhstan and the country’s business associations on 23 and 24 October 2018 in Astana.
Organized by the Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities (OCEEA) and supported by the OSCE Programme Office in Astana, the workshop was designed to respond to the needs identified by the authorities of Kazakhstan in the Draft Plan of Action on the Implementation of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement. The workshop covered trade facilitation and paperless trade, best practices in the transit of goods, and the importance of comprehensive guarantees for efficient and secure transit. There was a specific focus on the Convention on Common Transit and its implementation.
Representatives of the Ministry of National Economy, the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry for Investments and Development, the Ministry of Justice, Kazakhstan Railways, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs Atameken, the Association of National Freight Forwarders and other business representatives enhanced their competencies in applying international standards in transit and discussed potential solutions for customs and private stakeholders. They discussed the facilitation of transit by implementing simplified procedures and institutionalizing communication channels between state and business stakeholders.
“I am satisfied that the seminar has been a platform for constructive discussions that can help the Republic of Kazakhstan to decide on the necessary measures for the fulfilment of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement,” said Gulnur Smagul, Deputy Director of the Department of Foreign Trade Activity at the Ministry of National Economy of Kazakhstan.
Jonas Grätz, OCEEA Economic Adviser, welcomed the interest in Kazakhstan to improve its transit procedures in order to reap the full potential of its geographic position and infrastructure. “It is encouraging that the workshop concluded with a summary document that can be considered during the further development of the Draft Plan of Action on the Implementation of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement,” he said.
The workshop was facilitated by accredited experts of the World Customs Organization as well as by experts from the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and the Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union of the European Union.
This activity is part of an OSCE extra-budgetary project on promoting connectivity in the OSCE region. It is funded by Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Kazakhstan is one of the beneficiary countries alongside Moldova and Belarus.