Migration and trafficking in human beings: OSCE Special Representative visits identification and temporary reception facilities in Greece
ATHENS, 5 May 2017 - The OSCE Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, Madina Jarbussynova, on Friday concluded a visit to Athens, Lesvos and Thessaloniki to discuss how best to support first responders in identifying potential victims of trafficking among large flows of migrants and refugees.
The four-day trip saw her meet with the Greek National Rapporteur on trafficking in human beings, Heracles Moskoff, as well as with a range of officials from Greece’s Ministry of Labour, Migration Policy, Gender and Equality, and the anti-trafficking unit of the Hellenic police.
“The sheer magnitude of the migration crisis has posed unprecedented challenges to frontline states such as Greece,” Jarbussynova noted. “Crisis situations of this scale amplify the vulnerability of individuals subject to predatory exploitation. As trafficking in human beings is a transnational crime, which recognizes no borders, no country can tackle it on its own. It is our shared duty to prevent the flourishing of human trafficking networks.”
Following fact-finding visits she previously conducted in Italy, Turkey, Bulgaria and Serbia, Jarbussynova visited the open temporary reception facility in Elaionas, Athens and Diavata, Thessaloniki as well as the first reception and identification centre in Lesvos, learning about first responders’ experiences and practices at the grassroots level. In Lesvos, she also met with a delegation of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s Ad Hoc Committee on Migration. The findings of the visits to reception centres for migrants and refugees will inform future capacity-building activities and tailor-made recommendations to governments and practitioners on addressing the specific trafficking risks linked to the migration crisis.
“I commend the tireless work conducted by Greek authorities in often difficult settings and their co-operation with UN agencies and non-governmental volunteering organizations on the ground to assist and protect migrants and asylum seekers,” she said. “Stepping up inter-agency co-ordination and data sharing is essential to prevent cases of human trafficking among mixed flows of migrants. Many found themselves smuggled and trafficked during their perilous journey and are in need of support. Others await their asylum requests to be processed. We need a pro-active approach to impede criminal syndicates that prey on their precarious situation.”
Since the outbreak of the migrant and refugee crisis in Europe, the Office of the Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings has been raising awareness on the nexus between large flows of people on the move and the risks of trafficking.
In November 2016, Jarbussynova launched a pioneering training initiative in Vicenza, Italy. Two additional exercises will take place in June and September this year.