Maximizing innovative entrepreneurship for job creation essential to peace and prosperity in OSCE region, say participants at Vienna discussion
VIENNA, 23 January 2017 - Good governance, business partnerships and prevention of radicalization through job and business creation – essential to peace and prosperity in the OSCE region – are the focus of the two-day first Preparatory Meeting of the 25th OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum, which opened today in Vienna.
This year’s Forum marks a quarter century of thought-provoking and focused discussions on key economic and environmental issues closely linked to security in the region. It gathered high-level officials, experts from the OSCE’s 57 participating States and 11 Partners for Co-operation as well as representatives of the business community, international organizations, civil society and academia.
In his opening remarks, Austrian Deputy Foreign Minister Michael Linhart, representing Austria’s 2017 OSCE Chairmanship, stated: “Our continent is in danger of reverting to the bloc‑based thinking of the past, and divisions between East and West are increasing – not only in the political sphere, but also in the economic sphere. The promotion of sustainable economic and trade relations between participating States can contribute to rebuilding trust and confidence, thereby strengthening stability and security in the OSCE area.”
Referring to one of the key priorities of the Austrian Chairmanship, Linhart added, “through the Economic and Environmental Dimension of the OSCE we can contribute to tackling some of the main root causes of radicalization: unemployment and the lack of economic prospects. We want to discuss how OSCE participating States can strengthen innovation and entrepreneurship and foster job creation and economic growth, also in regions affected by conflicts.”
OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zannier stressed the importance of broadening participation in economic decision-making and maximizing the impact of innovative entrepreneurship for job creation and economic participation. “Sustainable economic development is essential to peace and prosperity in our 57 participating States.” He highlighted the OSCE’s engagement in activities that enhance the climate for business and investment, streamline regulatory frameworks, and counter corruption. “However, we cannot effectively do this without closer links to business, and we are reaching out to them more strongly than ever before.”
Austrian Minister of Finance Hans Jörg Schelling stressed the importance of good governance and raised the issue of connectivity. “By promoting connectivity within and between OSCE participating States trust in the whole OSCE area can be rebuilt,” he said, adding that “closer co-operation in the field of trade, transport, customs and energy can be mutually beneficial to all participating States.” Schelling concluded: “We need a new vision of a common economic space between Vancouver and Vladivostok, including the USA, Canada, the EU and all countries east of the EU including Russia and the Central Asian states.”
Participants also discussed issues related to good governance and preventing corruption. “Negative impacts of corrupt practices on economic and social development and political stability are increasingly understood by the wider society,” said Halil Yurdakul Yiğitgüden, Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities. “It is of crucial importance to develop an overall legal, institutional and cultural framework including anti-corruption measures and strategies that will promote good governance and integrity and prevent and discourage corrupt conduct.”
The Second Preparatory Meeting will be held in Astana on 14 to 16 June 2017 and the Concluding Meeting in Prague on 6 to 8 September 2017.