OSCE New Media Accreditation Procedure begins on 15 April 2015
Bona fide representatives of the media - print media, photo, radio, television and film, news agencies and online media - can now apply for yearly accreditation to OSCE events in Vienna.
For the yearly Media Accreditation, applicants need to provide the following:
- Completed accreditation form
- A letter of assignment on official letterhead of a media organization
- A valid press card (national or international)
- Scanned image of passport/national ID card
Journalists, who agree to the terms of accreditation and guidelines on media access to the OSCE, should fill out the Accreditation form and submit it with the attachments by E-mail to: [email protected].
Media credentials are issued by the OSCE free of charge.
Delivery of badges will begin on 15 April 2015 and take place Wednesdays and Thursdays, from 10:00 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 16:00 at the Hofburg.
Yearly accreditation at the OSCE is not mandatory. Journalists holding a valid press ID, but not holding an OSCE Media accreditation badge will be able to attend access media events in the Hofburg Congress Centre by registering in advance, as specified in the media advisories ahead of such events.