OSCE/ODIHR Annual Report 2019
Publishing date: 19 March 2020
Collections: ODIHR Annual Reports
Content type: Annual report
Where we are: OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
What we do: Combating trafficking in human beings, Democratization, Human rights, Education, Elections, Good governance, Countering terrorism, Gender equality, Migration, Policing, Reform and co-operation in the security sector, Roma and Sinti, Youth, Rule of law, Tolerance and non-discrimination
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
This report highlights the impact of activities carried out by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) in 2019.
Guidelines on the application of the principle of non-punishment of victims of human trafficking
Publishing date: 14 April 2020
Content type: Guide / manual / handbook
Where we are: OSCE Mission to Skopje
What we do: Combating trafficking in human beings, Human rights
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
This publication was prepared in co-operation with the National Commission for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings and Illegal Migration and the Academy for Training of Judges and Public Prosecutors “Pavel Shatev” with an aim to help all competent authorities and professionals dealing with trafficking in human beings and trafficking in children to properly apply of the principle on non-punishment of victims. The Guidelines are intended as a practical tool for those responsible for detection, prosecution and adjudication of these serious crimes and those responsible for prevention, identification and provision of support to victims as well as civil society to ascertain the preconditions for non-punishment of victims. This publication is not available in English.
Poster to raise awarness of law enforcers of the need to support women who have experienced violence
Publishing date: 6 March 2020
Content type: Poster
Where we are: OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine (closed)
What we do: Gender equality, Policing
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
The posters were produced as part of the “End the Silence” awareness-raising campaign which was implemented by the OSCE Secretariat’s Gender Section and supported by the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine and the country’s National Police. The posters were produced as part of the “End the
International conference proceedings. New Challenges and Approaches to Regional and Global Security in Central Asia.
Publishing date: 16 March 2020
Content type: Brochure
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Astana
What we do: Conflict prevention and resolution, Countering terrorism, Reform and co-operation in the security sector
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
On 26 October 2018 in Nur-Sultan, the OSCE Programme Office in Nur-Sultan jointly with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation and the Kazakhstan Council on International Relations, with support from the Institute of Diplomacy under the Academy of Public Administration and the Public Opinion Research Institute co-organized an international conference entitled “New Challenges and Approaches to Regional and Global Security in Central Asia”. This compendium, which includes presentations given at the conference by both Kazakhstan’s and foreign participants, explores main regional security threats in Central Asia and ways to address these problems, as well as regional co-operation issues in responding to contemporary challenges. The edition will be of interest to political scientists, international relations experts, civil servants, scholars, educators, university-level students, and broad sections of the public interested in the contemporary development of the region. The edition is published in Russian and English. The paper of Mr. Pal Dunay is written in the English language in the original, the rest of the reports are in Russian. All reports have been translated and edited with the support of the OSCE Program Office in Nur Sultan. Any opinions and recommendations expressed in the materials arising from the conference are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the conference organizers.
Hate Crime Victims in the Criminal Justice System
Publishing date: 9 April 2020
Collections: Guides Related to Hate Crime
Content type: Guide / manual / handbook
Where we are: OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
What we do: Tolerance and non-discrimination
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
This Guide advances the fulfilment of the OSCE commitments to assist hate crime victims. Developed in consultation with civil society and government experts, and based on good practice identified across the region, the Guide responds to a need in many OSCE participating States, where victims of hate crime often do not receive adequate protection and support. It addresses gaps in integrating assistance efforts with criminal justice processes and is designed primarily for hate crime victim support practitioners, criminal justice officials and policymakers responsible for developing and maintaining victim support systems. It provides practical recommendations on adapting procedures, policies and laws, while taking into account the realities and complexities of criminal justice and victim support systems.
Collection of articles “5 Years of Dialogue and 25 Years of Mediation in Ukraine: from Division to Cohesion”
Publishing date: 10 March 2020
Content type: Book
Where we are: OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine (closed)
What we do: Conflict prevention and resolution, Good governance
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
The collection includes articles from the leading Ukrainian and international experts on dialogue facilitation and mediation, summarizing the progress in the field in Ukraine over the past two decades. The publication is dedicated to the Year of Mediation in Ukraine- 2019 and was prepared within
'Discrimination in Bosnia and Herzegovina- Public Perceptions, Attitudes, and Experiences'
Publishing date: 20 March 2020
Content type: Study / report
Where we are: OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina
What we do: Human rights, Tolerance and non-discrimination
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
This report presents the findings of the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina (the Mission) survey measuring the perceptions, attitudes, and personal experience of a representative sample of 1001 adult residents (523 men and 478 women) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) regarding discrimination in BiH conducted from 12 August to 13 September 2019.
The OSCE Economic and Environmental Dimension: Structure and Decision-making
Publishing date: 10 March 2020
Content type: Factsheet
Where we are: OSCE Secretariat
What we do: Economic activities, Environmental activities
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Prevention of radicalization and terrorism
Publishing date: 25 February 2020
Content type: Brochure
Where we are: OSCE Mission to Serbia
What we do: Countering terrorism, Policing
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
This publication provides necessary information on types and manifestations of violent extremism and radicalization that leads to terrorism (VERLT). The brochure was developed by officers from the Interior Ministry’s Service for combating terrorism, and is designed for education, social and health
Factsheet of the OSCE Conflict Prevention Centre
Publishing date: 6 March 2020
Collections: Factsheets of the OSCE Secretariat's units
Content type: Factsheet
Where we are: OSCE Secretariat
What we do: Conflict prevention and resolution
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe