Assessment of Substandard Roma Settlements in 21 Municipalities in Serbia
Publishing date: 4 June 2015
Content type: Study / report
Where we are: OSCE Mission to Serbia
What we do: Roma and Sinti, Tolerance and non-discrimination
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
An assessment of substandard Roma settlements in 21 municipalities in Serbia was undertaken in order to define the list of priority measures that need to be implemented for the purpose of improving the living conditions in these settlements. This publication contains basic data on each settlement, with the list of priority activities and cost-estimations for their realization.
Model OSCE Conference Poster
Publishing date: 13 February 2015
Content type: Poster
Where we are: OSCE Office in Yerevan (closed)
What we do: Democratization, Education
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Poster announcing the Call for Applications for the Model OSCE Conference to take place in Gyumri, Shirak province of Armenia, on 1-2 May 2015. Available in Armenian only.
Creating Mentor Networks in the OSCE Region: A Practical Roadmap
Publishing date: 9 June 2015
Content type: Guide / manual / handbook
Where we are: OSCE Secretariat
What we do: Gender equality
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
A joint publication by the OSCE and KVINFO designed as a “how-to” manual for creating a mentoring network by providing operational guidance, concrete examples and samples of useful documents for mentors and mentees.
General Characteristics of Substandard Roma Settlements in Serbia and a Proposal for Further Development Initiatives for the Improvement of the Living Conditions of the Roma Community
Publishing date: 22 May 2015
Content type: Study / report
Where we are: OSCE Mission to Serbia
What we do: Democratization, Roma and Sinti
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
This publication resulted from the mapping of substandard Roma settlements in Serbia, for the purpose of creating a Geographic Information System (GIS) for monitoring the living conditions in them and planning future upgrading programmes at the national level. The publication gives an overview of general characteristics of all the substandard Roma settlements in Serbia, such as size, spatial distribution, quality of infrastructure, existence of urban plans, access to public services and land ownership
Electoral Code of the Republic of Albania
Publishing date: 22 May 2015
Content type: Study / report
Where we are: OSCE Presence in Albania
What we do: Elections
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
The aim of this Code is to specify rules for preparing, conducting, administering,and supervising elections to the Assembly of Albania, local government elections and referenda, as well as for declaring their results.
ODIHR Update, 2015 No. 3
Publishing date: 7 May 2015
Collections: ODIHR Update: Newsletter collection
Content type: Periodical / journal / magazine
Where we are: OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Poster: ”Checking documents for prevention of smuggling ozone depleting substances”
Publishing date: 16 January 2015
Content type: Poster
Where we are: OSCE Secretariat, OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine (closed)
What we do: Border management, Environmental activities
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
This poster has been developed and printed for educational purposes for border control personnel. It is implemented with the support of the government of Finland as part of an ENVSEC/OSCE project on prevention of illegal cross-border transport of hazardous waste and other cross-border environmental crimes. Available in Russian and Ukrainian languages only. For print-quality file requests please refer to [email protected].
Poster: “Inspection of cargos with permits for transportation issued by CITES Management Authorities”
Publishing date: 16 January 2015
Content type: Poster
Where we are: OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine (closed)
What we do: Border management, Environmental activities
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
This poster has been developed and printed for educational purposes for border control personnel. It is implemented with the support of the government of Finland as part of an ENVSEC/OSCE project on prevention of illegal cross-border transport of hazardous waste and other cross-border environmental crimes. Available in Russian and Ukrainian languages only. For print-quality file requests please refer to [email protected].
Poster: “Methods of smuggling items that fall under CITES convention”
Publishing date: 16 January 2015
Content type: Poster
Where we are: OSCE Secretariat, OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine (closed)
What we do: Border management, Environmental activities
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
This poster has been developed and printed for educational purposes for border control personnel. It is implemented with the support of the government of Finland as part of an ENVSEC/OSCE project on prevention of illegal cross-border transport of hazardous waste and other cross-border environmental crimes. Available in Russian and Ukrainian languages only. For print-quality file requests please refer to [email protected].
Poster: ”Documents needed for transportation of dangerous wastes”
Publishing date: 15 January 2015
Content type: Poster
Where we are: OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine (closed)
What we do: Border management, Environmental activities
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
This poster has been developed and printed for educational purposes for border control personnel. It is implemented with the support of the government of Finland as part of an ENVSEC/OSCE project on prevention of illegal cross-border transport of hazardous waste and other cross-border environmental crimes. Available in Russian and Ukrainian languages only. For print-quality file requests please refer to [email protected].