OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan supports promotion of open data in Uzbekistan
From 25 to 27 May, the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan (PCUz), in collaboration with Uzbekistan’s State Committee on Statistics (UZSTAT), held a series of workshops on improving open data system quality.
Some 45 specialists of the UZSTAT, including 14 women, acquired relevant knowledge on open data. Jamison Crowell, Open Data Manager at Open Data Watch, an international non-profit organization, spoke about the Open Data Inventory (ODIN). ODIN assesses data provided on websites maintained by national statistical offices (NSOs) and other official government websites accessible from NSO sites. He also explained the meaning of the overall ODIN score, which indicates completeness and openness of NSO’s data offerings.
Participants discussed how and where ODIN looks for data and ODIN categories to be assessed, such as social, economic and environmental ones. Furthermore, they learned about ODIN indicators, definition of indicators and disaggregations, as well as coverage criteria.
Through constructive dialogue and capacity-building activities, the PCUz has been promoting the development of Uzbekistan’s open data ecosystem. Globally, Uzbekistan ranks 44th in the Open Data Inventory 2020.