OSCE Project Co-ordinator facilitates introduction of environmental assessment systems in Uzbekistan
The OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan, in co-operation with the State Committee on Ecology and Environmental Protection and the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), on 12 November 2020, held the final online workshop on introducing environmental assessment systems in the country. These systems are designed to be in accordance with the UNECE Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in a Transboundary Context and its Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA).
The main outcomes of a review of the national legislative framework in this area vis-a-vis international standards, including the SEA, were presented and discussed during the workshop.
Recommendations and proposals presented during this final workshop aim at contributing to strengthening Uzbekistan’s capacity in implementing an effective EIA and SEA system.
“Today’s seminar is important because it supports the efforts of Uzbekistan to promote environmental security and will help improve its environmental legislation based on the best international practices,” said John MacGregor, Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan. “This event also serves as a platform for an open and honest discussion of crucial topics that may influence the future of the nation and coming generations.”
Over 50 participants, including high-level state officials, UNECE representatives and OSCE experts, took part in the online event.