OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan underlines importance of OSCE commitments at Parliament of Uzbekistan video conference
At the invitation of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan, the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan, John MacGregor, participated at the video conference of the Parliament of Uzbekistan on 30 April 2020.
The fifth Periodic Report of Uzbekistan to the UN Committee on Human Rights on the implementation of the provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) was discussed.
Many OSCE commitments are derived from the ICCPR, one of the pillar documents for promoting and protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms.
Professor Akmal Saidov, first deputy Speaker of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis and Director of the National Human Rights Centre, highlighted the specific contribution of the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in the development of the national human rights framework. He also underlined the support provided by the Project Co-ordinator in upholding OSCE commitments in the human dimension.
Saidov commended the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan for its efforts to assist Uzbekistan to cope with COVID-19. He also thanked him for the delivery of protective equipment to several State bodies and the initiative to produce a video on the prevention of stigma for persons affected with COVID-19.
MacGregor said that the OSCE dedicates a specific attention to human rights. “We have noted that Uzbekistan gives consistent attention to human rights issues,” said MacGregor. “The 2017-2021 national development Action Strategy is closely aligned with OSCE commitments. For the past three years, the situation in this sphere has improved, the national legislation has been strengthened, and significant work has been undertaken.”
“I offer my congratulations to all of our partners for the progress made so far, and I hope to continue our excellent level of communication and co-operation,” said MacGregor.
The Delegation of Uzbekistan was represented by Professor Akmal Saidov, Oral Ataniyazova, Member of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, Aziz Tashpulatov, first Deputy Minister of Interior, Ulugbek Lapasov, Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the UN Offices in Geneva, and Oqil Ubaydullaev, Chief Consultant of the Office of Security Council under the President.
National experts, representatives of private and public entities, the diplomatic corps and international organizations also took part.