OSCE supports training webinar on anti-corruption expertise of legal acts
An OSCE-supported half-day online training webinar on elimination of corruption-related norms from draft laws concluded on 23 July 2021. The OSCE Programme Office in Nur-Sultan organized the event in partnership with Kazakhstan’s Anti-corruption Agency (ACA).
Some 15 representatives, including seven men and eight women, from the ACA, academic institutions and civil organizations attended the event. Anti-corruption expertise, one of many mechanisms to curb corruption in public and private sectors, covers the identification of corruption risks that may occur when implementing customs/tax policies, establishing procedures for procurement tenders and granting exclusive benefits to certain business entities.
Participants discussed aspects of drafting regulatory acts, risk categories in reference to linguistic formulations, legislative coherence, and access to information.
The training webinar is part of the Programme Office’s multi-year efforts to promote good governance by focusing on anti-corruption activities in Kazakhstan.