OSCE supports training seminar for government officials on anti-money laundering and combating terrorist financing in Kazakhstan
A three-day training seminar on anti-money laundering and combating terrorist financing concluded on 29 August 2019 in Nur-Sultan. Some 50 government officials from law-enforcement agencies and the judiciary took part in the event.
Experts from Israel and Lithuania as well as national trainers familiarized participants with best practices in the investigation and prosecution of money laundering cases, forfeiture of illegally-acquired assets and interagency co-operation with key stakeholders including the Financial Monitoring Committee. They also engaged the participants in practical exercises on how to turn financial intelligence into evidence, search for criminal assets and apply non-conviction confiscation.
The event was organized by the OSCE Programme Office in Nur-Sultan, the Financial Monitoring Committee of the Finance Ministry, the Academy of Law Enforcement Entities under the Prosecutor General’s Office and the United States Embassy in Nur-Sultan.
The seminar is part of the Programme Office’s multi-year efforts to promote good governance and combat money laundering and terrorism financing.