OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe supports training course on detecting chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear materials at border checkpoints
A five-day training course for some 30 Tajik customs officers from all over the country on the detection of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear materials at border checkpoints concluded on 2 March 2018 in Dushanbe.
The course aimed at developing the knowledge and awareness among participants on hazardous materials released into the environment. The participants also learnt about the types and causes of such releases as well as best practices and the new trends for their destruction.
The Office sponsored the participation of 20 of the 30 front-line customs officers from the regions of Tajikistan. The course was conducted by Tajikistan’s Regional Training Centre on Non-proliferation and Export control of the Weapons of Mass Destruction. The event was organized in the framework of the implementation of the UN Security Council Resolution 1540.
In order to strengthen the “local ownership” and following the curriculum of Tajikistan’s Regional Training Centre on Non-proliferation and Export control of the Weapons of Mass Destruction, the Office plans to support similar training activities in 2018 for border and customs officers from different regions of Tajikistan.