OSCE supports strategic analysis course in Kazakhstan
Some 20 representatives from the Financial Monitoring Committee and Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Office of the Prosecutor General completed a five-day course on strategic analysis on 23 November in Astana. The event was jointly organized by the OSCE Programme Office in Astana, Kazakhstan’s Financial Monitoring Committee and the United States Embassy in Astana.
The course was led by international experts from Moldova and Ukraine acting on behalf of the Egmont Group, and aimed to enhance participants’ skills in carrying out strategic analysis of available and accessible data/information related to money laundering and terrorist financing (ML/TF). During the course, the participants were familiarized with various tools and techniques to help analyse data provided by competent public authorities and reporting entities, implement the intelligence cycle, apply advanced critical thinking skills, as well as to establish policies combatting ML/TF.
The Egmont Group is a united body of 159 Financial Intelligence Units (FIUs) that provides a platform for the exchange of expertise and financial intelligence to combat money laundering and terrorist financing in line with the resolutions and statements by the United Nations Security Council, the G20 Finance Ministers, and the Financial Action Task Force. International standards provide the framework for FIUs around the world to exchange information and engage in international cooperation. As an international financial intelligence forum, the Egmont Group both facilitates and prompts this amongst its member FIUs.
The course is a component of the Office’s multi-year project to promote good governance and combat money laundering and terrorism financing.